Summary of week 2

We had our 1st ever meeting on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 at kit leong place around 4PM.

Our leader CK had planned everything nicely, about what should we do for the next step. Firstly, we divided our jobs so that everything run smoothly. CK explained to us what should we do for each job we hold.

After that, we started our discussion on proposal, about what should we write for each of the section.

For the background, we discussed what should we sell for the website. Since our title is G-Shoppe :P We planned to sell clothes, accessories or anything for couple.

Then, we thought about what feature should we add to our website.

Lastly, we discussed on the objective of this project.

We planned to have meeting every Friday at 12PM-1PM so we can compile everything we done for the week and discuss about new task.

prepared by
Teh Shau Hooi


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