The waterfall model is well suited for our project as it is a very systematic and sequential model.If there are any problems that arise in any of the phases,all we need to do is backtrack our way to the source of the problem and to 'flow' once again from one step to the next.This project is somewhat similar to the source code of websites that are already available on the website.For projects that are repeated and are similar to each other,the waterfall model is well suited for it.These are the reasons that justifies our choice of choosing the waterfall model.However,we will make modifications to the source codes based on our needs.
For the analysis stage,we will first analyze the objectives,what we are supposed to do for the project before we proceed to anything further.
Requirements and Specifications
Here,we will decide what is required to build the software(e.g. what type of html codes or alternatives of programing softwares such as Dreamweaver) and what are the specifications of the software,what the software is capable of accomplishing.
This task will be handled by the programmers of our team to make the website functional as well as decorating the layout of the website.
It as this stage where we will implement the design of our codes.The codes will be implemented to meet its functions(for example,retrieving information from the database).
Testing and Integration
The codes will be tested if it runs as intended.As for the integration,all our work for the website will have to be combined in order for it to fully function.The programmer might break the code up into certain segments to first make sure each part is working so that it is easy to debug and troubleshoot.Integration is very important because even if each part works as a unit,at the end of the day it must be able to be integrated/combined in order to fulfill its full function.
Operation and Maintanence
Finally,after testing that everything works,the operations of the codes and website must be able to be maintained and up kept. We will be having a customer feedback form in order for us to collect information on how to improve the website and resolve issues raised by the customers.It is for these reasons that maintanece is a very important task as well.
Prepared by Chan Kit Leong
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